An artist has created a lifelike miniature Stranger Things house ahead of next week’s much-anticipated season finale. Bridget McCarty, 37, creates miniature film sets that are so detailed you wouldn’t even know they were fake.
In the past she has covered everything from Friends to Harry Potter – and she has now depicted the house from the hit show Stranger Things to add to the collection. Bridget worked on the masterpiece for more than 80 hours in total.
The doll’s house-sized set features tiny radios, books and even the show’s characteristic alphabet wall lights. And she even made a tiny box of Eggos – waffles that the character Eleven famously loves.
Bridget, whose full-time job is making miniature art, said: “I didn’t initially watch the show so I wanted to see what the whole buzz was about. Now, I’m a huge, tiny Stranger Things fan! This one took two weeks to create – it’s hard to put it down when you are really excited about the final result.”
The piece was created just in time for Netflix’s release of the season four finale on July 1. The dimensions of the tiny room are 13ins wide by 11ins tall, by 8ins deep.
Bridget says he used wood, paper, tacky glue, hot glue, and resins in the construction. And she made the sofa out of cotton fabrics and foam, “to give it the puffy sofa look”.
She said: “The trickiest part was the radio and walkie talkies. I had the pieces 3D printed to save time and get the best accuracy. I later added sand and paint them to look like the real thing.”
Bridget says making miniature sets started as a hobby – but it became her full-time job when people started queueing up demanding to buy her pieces.
She said: “Creating miniatures can really take you away to another world. They can be made from anything you can imagine.”

(Image: Bridget McCarty/SWNS)
She was inspired by her grandmother, who used to collect miniature items whenever she travelled. It started as a hobby, but when she started visiting conventions and set up a small online shop, demand for her tiny scenes meant it soon became a full-time job.
She said: “Sometimes, you can go to the craft store and your mind will be blown by ideas.”
Her tiny sets take up to a month for one project – or even longer if she juggles several at once. Bridget’s inspiration most commonly comes from her favourite TV shows as well as theme parks and attractions she visits – on this occasion, Stranger Things. Now, her tiny scenes and other tiny items are becoming more and more popular.
She said: “I love having a finished piece and knowing I used my best skills to create it. I know the scale is correct.
“Followers love to see photos of my work. It can really take you away to another world and inspire many more people.”
Now this project is complete she has already begun planning her next one after followers begged her.
Bridget, from Los Angeles, said: “A lot of fans comment that they want to see Coraline in miniature. I think it may be my next project.”