With Christmas fast approaching, homes around the city are showing off their best festive decor, with some going above and beyond. This Oakville home at 113 McCraney Street W, owned by the Jackson family, not only spreads Christmas cheer in its neighbourhood with a whopping 100,000+ lights, the family is also giving back to their community.
Don Jackson’s love for Christmas started when he was a young boy, decorating his childhood home with his dad. “It was a chance to connect with him. From there I just kind of got the bug,” he says.
Over 100,000 lights are synced to music, which takes the Jackson kids hours of work to program.
Fast forward 40+ years to today when Don, his wife Deb, and three children Tanner, Courtney, and Emma work hard year after year to put up one of the most elaborate light shows in the city.
The task is no easy feat, however. Not only do the 100,000+ lights adorn the home’s entire exterior; but the lights also are programmed to dance to music, a task Tanner and Courtney spent hours upon hours working on.
An undertaking of this extent takes a small army to pull off. Don says, “the whole family kicks in to help out. We start on Thanksgiving, with many friends and family pitching in to help.” As a thank you, Deb cooks a big Thanksgiving dinner for everyone.

The lawn is also covered in fabulous decorations, a lot of which are handcrafted by Don himself.
The show runs annually from the last Friday in November through the first Sunday in January. Anyone visiting can listen to the light-coordinated songs transmitted through the radio at 90.5 FM.
Christmas Eve is extra special at Jackson Lights, where Santa himself and his elves make an appearance. For a few hours, he spends time with the kids while the elves hand out hot chocolate and candy canes to everyone.
The Jackson family is also big on giving back to those that need it. Since they started collecting for local charities in 2014, they have donated all proceeds, which total close to $25,000 and over 8,000 lbs of food.
This year, they welcome donations for The Oakpark Neighbourhood Centre, Lighthouse for Grieving Children and Families, and the Kerr Street Mission Foodbank, which can also be made on their website.
Jackson Lights is truly a magical labour of love, a tradition the family intends to keep up even after the kids leave the nest. “We have always tried to do Christmas in a big way, especially teaching the kids to believe in the magic of it all. I have always said that for a child, believing in the magic of Christmas truly is the last bastion of innocence.”
Jackson Lights is located at 113 McCraney Street W in Oakville.